Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert Dead ?

Wow. Can this get any more strange!?!

First, Kennedy gets diagnosed with a brain tumor, now Tim Russert dies suddenly!

I can't help but wonder, what the heck is going on!?!?!

Kennedy's tragic diagnosis, Russert's sudden death. Both men highly regarded in their chosen professions. Both men in the political circus of the Democratic Primary, Kennedy for endorsing Barak Obama, and Russert for covering the whole of the primary. Some have suggested that Russert is a supporter of Barak Obama as well. I personally don't know if that is true but if it is, there is great sorrow for Barak Obama's campaign.

Terrible loss no less for the network NBC. It apparently happened while he was doing
voice-overs for his show "Meet-The-Press". Wow, Can you imagine, the horror.?

Terrible loss.
There is no doubt he will be missed, and my condolences go to his family and colleagues.

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